Últimos Boletins

01 de Setembro de 2024

11 de Agosto de 2024

23 de Junho de 2024

10 de Setembro de 2017

03 de Setembro de 2017

"...This one will give us comfort from our work
and from the hard labor of our hands..."
(Genesis 5:29)
The Earth was groaning like a
wounded being. Desolation, astonishment
and fear terrified the human race. Half
narcotized, they went their own way,
forgetting the path of the Lord.
A man named Noah came along. He
was upright, righteous, and God-fearing.
He was just and stood out among his
contemporaries (Gen. 6:9). And he found
favor in the sight of the Lord (Gen. 6:8).
God used Noah. God set him apart.
God blessed him.
There is always a chosen one.
Someone in whom the Lord is well
pleased. A person with a broken heart
amid all the chaos.
The world is lost. War is coming fast.
Annihilation, pain, and death. Thousands
of people live in despair, and some are so
close to us. Deep in every heart, the cloud
weighs heavy. Human appeals, treaties,
agreements, and expectations are
Friends fall out; children persecute
their parents; parents destroy their
children. Betrayal comes in the form of
words, eloquent speeches, and even tears.
The gall of villainy is disguised in
deliberately subtle promises filled with
The "kings" of the Earth have prepared
the gallows; the mass grave is already
open for thousands of hungry people
running in search of bread...
In fact, death awaits them, eagerly
celebrating. Euphoria!
Noah was a type of Christ. He
prefigured the consolations of the Holy
In these troubled times (1 Tim. 4:1-4),
the only safe place is inside the "Ark of
God". Anyone who does not take shelter in
it will drown in the rising waters.
When Noah "entered the ark" (Gen.
7:7), he was delivered, but God's judgment
struck humanity... And those waters rose
and flooded the whole Earth (Gen. 7:6).
There was comfort in the ark.
Tranquility, hope, and peace.
All our work, weariness, and struggle
are certainly compensated by the security,
joy, and guarantees that the Lord gives us.
It does not matter what happens
outside, or even how we are affected.
"In the world you will have tribulation;
but be of good cheer, I have overcome the
world" (John 16:33).
"And I will ask the Father, and he will
give you another Comforter to be with you
forever" (John 14:16).
The Spirit of the Lord is upon His
Church, in the life of every true Christian
who walks in the way of the Lord and
fears His Holy Name.
God bless you.
Pr. Reuel Pereira Feitosa
President of the Peniel Work and Ministry
Belo Horizonte, MG./Brazil
(Translated by Pr Silvana and Pr Savior)