“Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
(Revelation 2:10)
The challenge of the last days is
faithfulness to Jesus Christ. The one who
remains forever, the one who never
changes, the “First and the Last”, who
never dies because He was raised from
the dead (Rev. 2:8), summons everyone to
unbreakable fidelity.
If the first letter to Ephesus calls for a
return to the Christian's passionate love
for Christ, the second letter speaks to us
of faithfulness in times of great affliction.
Never has human life been so difficult,
painful, and overwhelming. The devil's
“terrorism” weighs on our planet.
Everywhere there is pain, suffering, and
disappointment. Great disillusionment
hangs darkly over every person's life.
Christians are suffering. “A heavy
stone” this hour (Zech. 12:3). Many of
God's servants are already in “prison” (Rev.
2:10), persecuted, flogged, extremely
limited and even prevented from carrying
out the Lord's Work. There are also all the
“blasphemies” (Rev. 2:9) and distortions of
the Word caused by the enemy of God.
The angel of this church in Smyrna
was the 86-year-old Polycarp. He had
heard testimonies about the life of Jesus
directly from John the Apostle. Faced with
the fire and urged to deny the Name of his
Lord Jesus, he simply replied: “I have
served Him for so many years, and He has
never let me down. I cannot deny His name
now." And his body burned in the flames.
Be faithful until death, no matter the
Prosperity, riches, human power, and
social influence have never been a sign of
faithfulness to God. Human appearances
have never characterized the Work of God.
Jesus is the greatest example of this.
He came to seek and save the “lost”
(Matt. 18:11).
Our commitment of faith is to Jesus
Christ and His Word. Never be deceived.
Never allow “greedy men to exploit you” (2
Pe. 2:1-3). Upon them will come “swift
destruction” (v. 1).
Remain in the Lord. He knows how to
“rescue the godly” (2 Pe. 2:9).
Cry out for the power of the Holy Spirit
in your life. He will surely help you,
comfort you, and grant you victory.
“The Spirit helps us in our weakness...
and intercedes for us through wordless
groans.” (Rom. 8:26).
God bless you.
Pr. Reuel Pereira Feitosa
President of the Peniel Global Ministry
(Translated by Pr Silvana and Pr Savior)