Últimos Boletins

10 de Setembro de 2017

03 de Setembro de 2017

27 de Agosto de 2017

13 de Agosto de 2017

"Pay attention to what I have shown you,

Be all eyes and ears, and set your heart in my words;

For this you were led here. "

(Ezekiel 40: 4)


We have seen the glory of God and his power. His presence clear, strong

and unmistakable to our eyes enveloping us all the time.

It is now up to us to bring the light, and the life of every member,

every Church and ministry, to the determinations of the Lord.

God spoke to us through his preachers. A serious invitation and warning to the ministers

of God who are to lead the people. It is time to gather gold, mint coins

and distribute the "gold of the Church"! The riches of the glory and the saving provisions

of God to the peoples of the Earth, especially our country, today.

A call to holiness in a time of perdition. When abomination and iniquity

try to sneak into the Lord's Church. It is a time of reaction in the

Power of the Blood that purifies and the Spirit that sanctifies.

The unity in the Work of God shared in a wonderful way in the Congress stands out.

In fact we find ourselves one people, one Work, one Church. All this marked by contagious joy in the hearts!

Provisions of the Lord everywhere, in a time of crisis.

Abundance in faith, in work, in bread, in love, and in sacrifice to the Lord.

Opening of new mission fields and consolidation of existing ones.

We live the blessing of the Holy Spirit. We enjoy the communion

of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And best of all: Like Ezekiel we look at an unimaginable future. Carried here and there,

in the shivers of our hair, we are led to new challenges of faith and power.

A new supernatural time of victories of his Church, of a new and alive hope,

based on a life firm in the Word and in the Spirit. An inner, spiritual, supernatural revolution.

The final challenge of the Congress, according to the word announced by the preachers,

by the prophet Ezekiel, looms large before us: He saw, heard, set his

heart and lived the message he preached.

Ezekiel was totally identified with the vision, the mind and the purpose of God.

That is what the Lord expects of each one of us in these new times of the Work of God.

It is our challenge.

God bless you.

Pr. Reuel Pereira  Feitosa



Reuel's book is beating hard! Despite the hard message, it fell into the hearts of the people ... It stayed in the air, hovering overhead, even without many words spoken. But it seems everyone understood and felt the impact! Much like what the Lord did to Ezekiel. He spoke so little, but how the message got loud! For believers, for the Church and for Brazil. Read, think, pray and recommend.



Visit the website www.ministeriopeniel.com.br and you will find videos and albums of the Congress. They are being published, after selecting more than five thousand photos, that need to be selected, worked and then posted. Enjoy this blessing throughout the week.



Ephata is offering DVD's of Congress. You can buy them in the hall or directly at Ephata, at Thompson Flores Street, nº 12, Prado, phone (31) 3291-7860.



The Sword symbolizes the power of the Word and authority of the Holy Spirit. Read in chapter 4 of Hebrews: "The word of God is living and efficacious, sharper than any two-edged sword, and pierces even the division of soul and spirit, and joints and marrow, and is apt to discern Thoughts and intents of the heart "(Hebrews 4:12). See note in Bulletin Nº 1710, 07/30/2017, and also on the website.




Peniel Bolivia brought a tremendous challenge to Congress: They handed us the flag of Peru and assumed the responsibility of opening and sustaining the Work. The contacts have already been initiated and the procedures are done. Pray for the appointment of a Man of God to bless the great nation!



Our Transcultural Team returns to Piracaia, São Paulo. The progress of the restructuring was interrupted because of the Congress. Will be resumed this week. We hope to reopen in the early days of September. Let us Waits in prayer.



«We are in Portugal and my daughter Abene started the exams. The doctors found out what the problem was with the swellings and pains. She has a chronic osteomyelitis, an infection in the leg bone that had broken. Unfortunately the doctor will only be able to do the surgery and bone scraping on August 24th. We will have to stay here or go to Brazil. We have the tickets. Treatment should be expensive. Help us in prayer. "- Missionary Maikel Moreira, by email on 07/31/2017

- Answer: "Let's wait for the doctor's word and then know what would be best, since it has the tickets. In the meantime, introduce yourself to Missionary Wanilda and, as much as possible, cooperate with her in the work of the Peniel Mission. We are praying for the best of God. He can do a miracle! "- Pr. Reuel Feitosa.



"I am deeply sorry that I could not go to this important Congress, where the 50th anniversary of his ministry, Pr. Reuel, was celebrated, to whom I greatly respect and admire. I ask for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart. I'm reading the book "See What They're Doing!" And I've been tremendously impacted by the Holy Spirit.

Thank God the Peniel Church of Porto Velho, RO, has grown, the sheep healed and restored. In July we baptized six new brothers. Recovery is working and we already see results.

I know the difficulty we face with the lack of workers in every field. With us it's no different. We are in great need of a good worker to work with Recovery.

Fights are necessary for our growth, but I believe in the victory that comes from the Lord. I ask you to continue to pray for us. A big hug to everyone. In Christ."

Pr. Samuel Almeida, Mariana, Talita and Emanuel

Porto Velho, RO. In 08/01/20177





ACCESS:  www.ministeriopeniel.com.br





(On Sundays, at 10am, Brasília time)


Trad.  Theresa  Salomão