Vi a Deus face a face e a minha vida, foi salva.
Gênesis 32:30b
11 de Agosto de 2024
19 de Junho de 2024
30 de Maio de 2021
25 de Abril de 2021
Últimos Boletins
“My times are in thy hand…”
(Psalms 31.15)
Your future exists and is in God's hands.
The kings, Princes, Presidents, Ministers and Governors, have nothing in Their Hands. Life slips out of their hands, like soap bubbles through the fingers of a little child. The World does not depend on the visible power of men.
But who has it are the lords of the Earth, whose strength is not seen. The Power lies in the hands of the servants of the Lord Jesus.
Like Elijah, they determine the start and end of the rains, the recovery of a sick child and the comfort of the helpless mother.
The clouds blown by the wind follow their way, and we definitely don't know anything about where they came from and where they go. Even if life is falling apart and quickly marching to nowhere.
The life of God's servants is different: The stronger the winds hit and the stronger the storms are, the faster the clouds come undone. The more impressive, original and glorious, will be the project of Thy Holy Spirit in us.
If the eyes of the world reduces us to dust; if we groan painful days and endless hours; deeper Thy glory will be manifest. Thy miracles are unexplainable.
Thou always make in us a new pot, creating a brand new design from the old; artwork and excellence of Thy hands.
A year has passed and many things have gone, the time took them with it...
Many have born, others have died. Others simply were swayed by vanity. Fallen, lost, defeated. Seduced by the passions and the pride of the heart... Overwhelmed by their delusions.
I will praise thee; because thou hast kept us and as the apple of thine eyes thou hast preserved us.
Here we are before thee, hidden in the palms of Your Hands!
Thank you very much Lord, for we are Thine!
May God bless you.
Pastor Reuel Pereira Feitosa
Translation: Caroline Figueiró da Fonseca
we are Thine!
O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.
Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether.
Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
PSALMS 139.1-5, 14-18
In Gratitude for the New Year
“My times are in thy hand…” (Psalms 31.15) David expressed the gratitude of our entire being to the Almighty God. We reached the end of another year; And in this case, the 40th Anniversary of Peniel Work.
We thank the Lord because he has renewed us; He has led his Work and blessed us far beyond what we deserved. We're grateful for the Pastors, Missionaries, Staff and thousands of Christians around the world.
The Peniel Family is now a Global Family. Many people, cultures and language which spread over the earth. We also thank those who have participated and shared with us the blessings of Lord, even those linked to other Ministries. Actually, we are one, as people of God!
May the Lord of Glory continues to renew us with the sweet Holy Spirit; making His Work each day more powerful, more edifying and stronger around the world.
We thank God for the affection, love and sacrifice of our spiritual leaders; the commitment of His Church and the partaking in the glory and the name of Jesus. May God bless you, the Church, the Ministry and the work of every Christian. Without you the Work wouldn’t get as far as it has come.
Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Lord, bless thy Peniel around the earth!
Pastor Reuel Pereira Feitosa
President of Peniel Ministry
"To the glory of God, we're fine. We have had some struggles, but we know that without them there are no victories. I believe that what comes as opposition is God's permission. He is Sovereign and is in control of all things, improving us to something better.
We had a wonderful Christmas Worship this week, with a powerful word in John 2:1-10 with the theme: "JESUS IS THE PARTY OF THE JOY." Many typical food and more than 250 people, including children and adults, hearing the word of God. All children of our churches received gifts. For this, we count on the help of a Brazilians' group who really has blessed us with their work and offers, to make the joy of children.
The Temple in Chingodzi is already with the walls raised. As the Work of the Lord requires a lot of discipline and prayer, we are praying. The European crisis has arrived here, what causes tension, because there are dismissals, strikes and the uncertainty that arises in all forms, especially in the matter of new contracts. And we are in an African country with a little patient culture. It does not affect the plan of teaching and Word preaching, but affects the project of establishing a structure so that we can move forward in other directions. So we are led to pray more for our vision to be extended and so that we have the wisdom to act in all areas."
Missionary José Felipe and Veralucia
Tete, Mozambique – Africa. By e-mail. Dec.22, 2012.
If you are called to God's work and want to join in ESMI, our School of Prophets, please contact the School Office and do your enrollment. Classes start on February 1st and the Interviews with the Admission Committee will occur on January 30th and 31st, 2013.
Phone number: (55) (31) 3201-8655
"Transcultral Course" and "Here I am Course"
Registration for "Transcultural" and "Here am I" courses starts in February. Classes will start in March 2013, but the application forms are already available at the School Office.
We received great news from the Work in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. The church held a blessed Christmas Worship, a celebration with candles and also presented a Christmas Cantata on December 25th. Praised be the Lord for the blessings, the development of the work and the life of Pastor Reinaldo in church leadership. May the Lord of Glory continue pouring his blessings.
End: Rua Peçanha, 400, Carlos Prates, Belo Horizonte,MG – Brasil
Fone - (31) 3201-7209/3201-7289
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