The Living Coal Of The Altar! - 26/08/2013

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"... This coal touched your lips, your guilt was taken away

 and your sins have been forgiven "
(Isaiah 6:7)

I saw Him sitting on his throne. Indescribable presence, immeasurable greatness, majesty expanding over the House. My eyes touched him, and I almost died. It was impossible to resist the force of his being. Inconceivable to have him like that, so alive, so close, as real as only He can be.

His robe spread throughout the Temple. It went down majestic forward, above the vestments, the ornaments and outfit lovingly arranged on the noble space. They were  leaning, twisting and distorting itself, making up more of a scene of indescribable elation to the Eternal Lord.

Seraphim danced around Him in a holy manner. Maneuvers that were left in the air the unmistakable trace of holiness, marks of the sublime grace and smell the glory of the Father.

They went back and forthe, gliding around, high and low, in the indistinguishable size of  the glory of the Lord in His Holy Temple. When they got closer, the seraphim covered themselves with their hands on their faces from the blinding light of His presence; with two hands, they covered their bodies in reverence and the other two hands opened to expand from the momentum flowing from the presence of the Lord.

The spectacle of such indescribable moment, that singular worship in Spirit and in Truth, did shake the foundations of the Temple and their portals, shaking its rafters. The columns trembled on the foundations and the coverage moved by opening to the Glory of the Lord.

 Heaven came down there.

Isaiah fell apart.

A curtain of fog dominated the space by protecting through discreet concealment in which human eyes could not stand to see naturally - the solemn presence of the Sovereign God Almighty.

- Alas. I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips ... And with my own eyes have seen the King, the Eternal and Almighty! (Isaiah 6:4).

Then one of the seraphim took a live coal from the altar, and touched my mouth. And he said: This coal touched your lips, your guilt was taken away, and your sins are forgiven.

- Here I am. Send me to myself!

Yes, I'm sending you. But they are deaf and they do not want to hear. They are going to understand only when their cities are destroyed, and their homes are annihilated; the streets are emptied and the fields produce nothing. Many will go away, others will perish in captivity ... The helplessness shall be big, even among my own people (6:12).

But the remnant faithful ones, the branch of my Spirit, I will rebuild the walls, I will erect the Temple, and I will restore the Cult, I will raise My Altar. And there will be salvation for everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord, and who is faithful until death (Joel 2:32).

The leafless tree will bloom again and the oak will stand firm forever. The Holy Seed will produce new fruits of righteousness, joy, life and peace (6:13).

The glory of the Lord permeates My House, the seraphim soar amid the smoldering presence of the Lord.

- Whom shall I send? - Declares the Lord of hosts.

- I'm coming, Lord!
The Prophet gets up, he rises, and he soon stands up. (6.8).

The living coal of pure incandescent fire snatches His Altar! (6:13).

God bless you.
Pastor Reuel Pereira Feitosa


And the wind blows ...

We live on wonderful days of the great blessings. The Spirit of the Lord has moved in each service, touching hearts and opening new spaces of faith and glory.

The Lord is moving young people for His Work. Lives are arranging to serve, surrendering without reserve. The doors will open and the majesty of our God is imposed at every moment.

A Holy Move occurred at the meeting of the Ministry, August 20. Some brokenness fell upon all. And the Lord spoke to his ministers, who surrendered at the foot of the Cross.

The Holy Spirit also moves in the Living Church. A new dawn, a great challenge of anointing, grace, compassion and blessings.

Recovery will be moving, glistening glory, and all of that will be expanding over the whole Church, and certainly it will be over the entire Peniel works.
 Pray, intercede, and watch the Wind Blow!


We are well, even in time of rain, which are abundant throughout Guinean territory. God has been good to us, even by moving the heat away.

In this rainy season, I have been making the Supper in congregations, as the brothers have difficulty walking to the Rossio to join us once a month.

I was very happy to make the Supper at Jogoró. A crowded church, even with great difficulty in order to get there. There were no places for everyone to sit. I even cried with joy .... The Lord be praised, who continues to operate in Africa!

We have evangelized with movies in Rossio, which has proven effective in all the  neighborhood. We have used the "The Bible" series, thus reaching all ages; we managed to have more than 200 visitors. And the attendance to the services has been excellent. God has done wonders.

A drunken man ran into the church, fleeing a boy, and with a bottle in hand. He got to the Altar ... I was preaching the message and saying "Do not get drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit." Suddenly, the Church stood frightened. The man asked for help because the stalker wanted to kill him. We prayed for him and we protected him. He stayed until the end of the service and he confessed Jesus as Savior. Glory be to God!

I was surprised at home by a young man from Guinea Conakry, addicted to marijuana. He had attacks by yelling, and throwing down onto the ground with a leather belt wrapped tightly around the body and with a skull on the buckle. I opened the gate of the  house, and he fell on the ground again. I laid my hands on him, and the demon expressed himself, he spoke foreign languages, but by the power of Jesus, the boy confessed to Christ in French and then in Creole. I asked for water and I washed his head after having recovered, I talked to him and I took him to the Church. He is doing well and is with the family.

We are engaged at work and we hope to start the seminar (ESMI-AFRICA) in October, and the Schools Kids in September. May God keep blessing you in Christ.

Missionary Maikel Moreira
Guinea-Bissau, Africa - By E-mail, on 16/08/13

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