- 24/06/2013

Últimos Boletins

30 de Maio de 2021

25 de Abril de 2021

18 de Abril de 2021

04 de Abril de 2021

"Why do my people not healed?
Is there no more medicine in Gilead? "
(Jeremiah 8:22)



        When people despair and down the streets, something is wrong. Riots genuine born in the heart of the crowds, raise major questions that go beyond the barrels, challenging to violent repression.
        They affect the heart of God and the sensitivity of his prophets: I hear my people screaming in the whole country. My sadness can no longer be cured. My heart is sick. My pain is so great! (Jeremiah 8:18)
- Does the Eternal God is no longer in Zion?
The King of Zion is no longer there? (Jeremiah 8:19 )
         It seems that the Eternal God is hidden in the bottom of the big temples or boxed in any dusty chest in the small "salons street-ends." Or perhaps locked in some application inaccessible from the Internet?
          - Cries, Israel, Babylon is not your place!
          When God sent Jonah to Nineveh He did it with purpose and message set. Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, for their wickedness is come up before me (Jonah 1:2). But he found a ship to Tarshish, paid the fare and went down into it. Allied itself with the unfortunate crew Ninevites, so needy of God's mercies!
         In fact, Jonah rose up to flee from the face of the Lord (1.3) Makeuped its mission. And it was only down ...
         The sea surged up suddenly. The waves and winds have increased without warning. Sophisticated information systems, snooping all the earth, and the intimacy of its poor inhabitants, failed. Nothing was detected.
          A tsunami struck the "ship" and all cargo was thrown overboard. Men, things, structures and institutions. Teachings and practices Post-modern demonstrated not satisfy. The frustration continues ...
          The young men left for awhile emptiness unreal virtual world! Found that it serves only as an instrument, and never as filler deep spiritual and existential yearnings.
          Jonas was saved by the power of the message that refused to preach.
           Return to the stronghold, O prisoners of hope today I also declare that I will render double (Zechariah 9:12).
          The streets are still bustling, and "Daughter" of my people still cries ...
           - There will be balm in Gilead? Or is there no physician there?
           Why did not place the health of the daughter of my people? (Jeremiah 8:22).
           When the young Solomon was crowned King of Israel, He made a prayer beseeching wisdom and fear of God. And the Lord gave him the greatest of all the promises, remedy for our day as well:
And ... if my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land ( 2 Chronicles 7:14).
           No balm in Gilead, no medicine available and overflowing. And here's Medical Blessed. Us, the Lord's Church, responsible for the proclamation of salvation, comfort, hope and peace for all Brazilians and the world around us.
          - Lord, heal this nation.
God bless you.
Pastor Reuel Pereira Feitosa